Presentation (selected)
- “Designing Experiments for Political Research: Some Practical Guidelines”, May 29, 2018, at the Australian National University, the School of Politics and International Relations [PowerPoint]
- “Wrangle, Visualize, and Analyze Data!”, April 23, 2018, at Dartmouth College. Presented in Who Love To Teach classes, as part of Dimensions Program [PowerPoint]
- “The Study of Japan in the Age of Digital Humanities and Quantitative Social Sciences”, November 6, 2015, at Harvard University [PowerPoint]
- “Catching Political Trends Through Digital Scholarship”, November 6, 2015, at Harvard University [PowerPoint]
- “Designing Survey Experiment: Practical Guides”, August 1, 2015, at Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) [PowerPoint]
- “政治学における統計分析のフロンティア” 2014年7月7日, 慶應義塾大学 [PowerPoint]
Videos (selected)
- “Evacuation from Afghanistan: The Case of Japan” (February 14, 2022), Harvard University (online)
- “Anti-Asian Hate and the CRT Debate with Dr. Russell Jeung” (February 9, 2022), Dartmouth College (online) — participated in it as a moderator
- “文系学部の創る価値:アメリカにおける政治学研究・教育の取り組み” 2016年7月7日, 慶応義塾大学
- “Carson 61: A Team Learning Environment” (February 2016), a YouTube video introducing my course, Data Visualization, in an active learning space at Dartmouth College
- “政治学における統計分析のフロンティア” 2014年7月7日, 慶応義塾大学Opens in a new window
- “America’s Role in Making Japan’s Economic Miracle: New Evidence for a Landmark Case,” November 21, 2013, at the University of Michigan.Opens in a new window
- A discussant at Harvard EIP Workshop, Panel 4-6, July 2, 2013, at Harvard University.
Conferences organized (selected)