- KEYWORDS: public diplomacy, soft power, national images, support for alliances, etc.
- COLLABORATORS: Benjamin E. Goldsmith, Kelly Matush, etc.
- "Democratic Backsliding Damages Favorable U.S. Image Among the Global Public" (with Ben Goldsmith, Kelly Matush, and Katie Powers). PNAS Nexus, forthcoming.
- "Does Public Diplomacy Sway Foreign Public Opinion? Identifying the Effect of High-Level Visits" (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Kelly Matush). American Political Science Review, Vol. 115, Issue 4, pp. 1342-1357, November 2021.
- "Doing Well by Doing Good: The Impact of Foreign Aid on Foreign Public Opinion" (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Terence Wood). Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 87-114, March 2014.
- “In Search of Soft Power: Does Foreign Public Opinion Matter for U.S. Foreign Policy?” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith). World Politics, Vol. 64, Issue 3, pp. 555-585, 2012.
- “Spinning the Globe? U.S. Public Diplomacy and Foreign Public Opinion” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith). The Journal of Politics, Vol. 71, Issue 3, pp. 863-875, July 2009.
- "Democratic Backsliding Damages Favorable U.S. Image Among the Global Public" (with Ben Goldsmith, Kelly Matush, and Katie Powers). PNAS Nexus, forthcoming.
Published Articles
- “Democratic Backsliding Damages Favorable U.S. Image Among the Global Public” (with Ben Goldsmith, Kelly Matush, and Katie Powers). PNAS Nexus, forthcoming.
- “Perceived Motives of Public Diplomacy Influence Foreign Public Opinion” (with Kasey Rhee and Charles Crabtree). Political Behavior, Vol. 46, pp. 683-703, March 2024. [SSRN] [SocArXiv] [DOI] [Replication Package] [SharedIt]
- “Natural Experiments of the Rally ‘Round the Flag Effects Using Worldwide Surveys” (with TaeJun Seo). Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 67, Issue 2-3, pp. 269-293, February-March 2024. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
- “Does Russian Election Interference Damage Support for U.S. Alliances? The Case of Japan” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith). European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 427–448, June 2023. [SSRN] [SocArXiv] [DOI] [Replication Package] [Press Release]
- “Does Public Diplomacy Sway Foreign Public Opinion? Identifying the Effect of High-Level Visits” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Kelly Matush). American Political Science Review, Vol. 115, Issue 4, pp. 1342-1357, November 2021. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package] [Press Release]
- “Has Trump Damaged the U.S. Image Abroad? Decomposing the Effects of Policy Messages on Foreign Public Opinion” (with Alexander Agadjanian). Political Behavior, Vol. 42, pp. 581-602, June 2020. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package] [Press Release]
- “Doing Well by Doing Good: The Impact of Foreign Aid on Foreign Public Opinion” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Terence Wood). Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 87-114, March 2014. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
- “In Search of Soft Power: Does Foreign Public Opinion Matter for U.S. Foreign Policy?” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith). World Politics, Vol. 64, Issue 3, pp. 555-585., 2012. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
- “Spinning the Globe? U.S. Public Diplomacy and Foreign Public Opinion” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith). The Journal of Politics, Vol. 71, Issue 3, pp. 863-875, July 2009. [SSRN] [DOI] [PDF] [Online Appendix] [Replication Package]
- “American Foreign Policy and Global Opinion: Who Supported the War in Afghanistan?” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Takashi Inoguchi). Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 408-429, June 2005. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
Also, see:
Japanese Politics
- “U.S. Military Should Not Be in My Backyard: Conjoint Experiments in Japan” (with Atsushi Tago). Journal of Conflict Resolution 68(9): 1798-1824. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
- “Revisiting Negative Externalities of U.S. Military Bases: The Case of Okinawa” (with Takako Hikotani and Atsushi Tago). International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 325-349, May 2023. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
- “Susceptibility to Threatening Information and Opposition to Refugee Resettlement: The Case of Japan” (with Yoshikuni Ono). Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 60, Issue 3, pp. 459-473, May 2023. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
- “Exposure to Immigration and Admission Preferences: Evidence from France” (with Katherine Clayton and Jeremy Ferwerda). Political Behavior, Vol. 43, pp. 175-200, March 2021. [SSRN] [DOI] [Replication Package]
- “Explaining Opposition to Refugee Resettlement: The Role of NIMBYism and Perceived Threats” (with Jeremy A. Ferwerda and D. J. Flynn). Science Advances, 06 Sep 2017: Vol. 3, no. 9, e1700812. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1700812 [URL] [SSRN] [Replication Package] [Press Release]
Other Topics
- “National Identity Predicts Public Health Support During a Global Pandemic” (with Jay Van Bavel and many others). Nature Communications, forthcoming. [PsyArXiv] * Participated in this global project as the leader of Japan and South Korea Teams.
Working Papers
- “Does Public Diplomacy Sway Domestic Public Opinion? Presidential Travel Abroad and Approval at Home” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Kelly Matush). [SSRN] – Under Review
- “Reassessing Gendered Reactions to Terrorist Attacks: Slumps or Bumps?” (with Martha Johnson). [SSRN] – Under Review
- “Unraveling American Sympathies toward Israelis and Palestinians” (with Rikio Inouye). [SSRN] – Under Review
- “Domestic Repression in China, Foreign Aid From China, and Global Attitudes Toward China” (with Jean Hong). [SSRN]
- “The Stability of Not-In-My-Backyard Attitudes toward Refugees: Evidence from the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis” (with Katherine Clayton and Jeremy Ferwerda). [SSRN] [SocArXiv]
Also, see:
Japanese Politics
- “The Myth of Japanese Pacifism: Public Support for Japan’s High-Risk Military Operation during Afghanistan Evacuation” (with Atsushi Tago). [SSRN] – Under Review
Work in Progress
- “Democratic Backsliding and Foreign Public Opinion: International Status” (with Ben Goldsmith, Kelly Matush, and Katie Powers)
Also, see:
Japanese Politics
- “The Pretty Pragmatic Public: Japanese Public Opinion about Security Policies” (with Atsushi Tago) — A book manuscript in preparation
- “Disclosing Invisible Attributes is Subject to Discrimination: Conjoint Analysis” (with Kai Zhou)
- “Since Trump’s election, the U.S. image abroad has plummeted. But is it really just about Trump?” (with Alexander Agadjanian). The Washington Post, The Monkey Cage, December 19, 2018.
- “Doing Well by Doing Good: Foreign Aid Improves Opinions of the U.S.” (with Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Terrence Wood). The Washington Post, The Monkey Cage, April 14, 2014.